
CandyApple Design is dedicated to giving back to our community and caring for our planet.  My focus is on organizations that strive to make a substantial impact toward positive change in the world.  The initial impact may be small, but one step at a time we all have the ability to make the world a better place.

Organizations that I Support

Defenders of Wildlife logo

Defenders of Wildlife

Defenders of Wildlife is dedicated to the protection of all native animals and plants in their natural communities.

NRDC logo - National Resource Defense Council

National Resource Defense Council

Since 1970 NRDC has worked to ensure the rights of all people to clean air, clean water, and healthy communities.

Local Businesses & Organizations that I Support


Philadelphia Center Against Sexual Violence is a non-profit organization whose mission is to eliminate sexual violence through specialized treatment services, comprehensive prevention education programs, and advocacy for the rights of survivors of sexual assault. WOAR provides free services to anyone who has experienced sexual violence and are here every step of the way.  They provide service 24 hours a day – to serve the needs of survivors, to advocate on their behalf, and to provide life-saving information to our community.

WOAR - Philadelphia Center Against Sexual Violence

Brookeside Montessori School

Brookeside is a small, local Montessori school the gives back to its students in a very big way.  They provide a truly special environment where uniquely passionate teachers nurture each student and foster a culturally diverse environment of community, respect, and love of learning that extends beyond school and into life.

Brookeside Montessori School

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